Indo-Pak Relations Prospect and Retrospect, Reference Press, New Delhi, 2003 ISBN: 81-88583-37-5 |
This book is the collection of research papers written by various experts from varied disciplines and professions is edited with discernment covering the wide gamut of bilateral relations inside out. Several issues which not only hogged the media limelight but has given new turn and twists to the turbulent relationship has given in-depth sophisticated analysis. The topic which competed for inclusion in this editorial offering is Kargil Stand-off, Cross-border terrorism, SAARC, economic and trade linkages, geo-political setting of the conflict and is topped by a historical survey which in themselves gives to any serious reader enough material to mull and ponder over. This includes also serious academicians, policy makers and students of Indo-Pak Relations who not only shape public opinion but also contribute their invisible input in corridors of power. |